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Software Solutions

All businesses will require software to carry out their day-to-day operations but knowing the best solutions for your company’s requirements can be challenging with so many options on the market.

The software that your company requires will need to suit your business model, your employees, and your customers, and it also has to be compatible with both your existing hardware and any other programs that you are running.

How can we help you source the best software solutions for your business?


You'll need to consider how many of your employees will need to access the software, from where (office based only or in the field/from home), and on what devices – are your current devices compatible?


Will the software vendor provide support, and is it included in the package or will you need to pay extra? Have you the expertise to deal with any issues or will you need Dolphin to liaise with the providers on your behalf?


Will the software be accessed by customers at all? If so, is there room to scale up should sales rocket? Can you “group” your clients or is there only a one-size-fits all function, and is this going to become important as your client base grows?


How easy will it be to teach your employees how to use the software? Will you manage this yourself, will the software vendor provide tuition, or will you need to source external trainers?

Buying the wrong business software can be a costly mistake, but Dolphin can help you make the right choice from the outset. An audit of your current business set up, your hardware and software will ensure you are advised on the best business software solutions for your needs. We can get the software installed on whatever devices you need it on, advise on security procedures, teach your and your staff how to use the software and act as support if and when you need it.

For all your software needs call our Brighton IT office on 01273 248871 or email us help@dolphinupgrades.com and we can advise on new software or support you with your current set up.

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Contact Us Today For Further Information

Get in touch with us today to find the best software solutions for you business. Call us on 01273 248871 or fill out the form below and we will be in touch.