Case Study Details

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  • Email Hosting Solution

Case Study Information

  • Client’s Requirements: Professional Email Service
  • Category :Business IT / Email Services
  • Client : New Start-Up Business
  • Proposed Solution: Microsoft Exchange

Email Hosting Solution

Overview |   A current client of Dolphin's referred their contact who had recently started up a new business. The new company have been using Gmail but were aware of it's restrictions when trying to use as a professional email service; their primary gripes were that their logo was sent as an attachment rather than in their signature and the layout for filling emails into categories. A prerequisite of the email solution would be the need to connect with their current website. The client needed a minimum of three email address set up.      | Dolphin were able to offer a cost effective solution for the inquiry and to set up the new emails and link them to their current website enabling the client to have email addresses that looked professional to their potential customers and suppliers and performed in a way a small business needs to function smoothly.