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Home Computer Antivirus

If you use your computer to go online, you need antivirus protection. It doesn’t matter
whether you only check emails once in a while, or just check the news, if you go online you need to a good anti-virus to protect your data and your computer.

So, you know you need an antivirus, but which one do you choose?

Whilst it is tempting to go for a free version, there are solid reasons to opt to pay for a security product that will keep your computer better protected.

Ask the following questions before deciding what is best for you.

Will My Antivirus Cover….?

  • Anti-spyware software and does it include a firewall?
  • Regular updates to keep me up-to-date with the latest security threats?
  • Parental controls to keep the whole family safe?
  • Will it be updated as soon as the latest threats are discovered?
  • Does it cover more than one computer?
  • Does it cover mobile devices as well?
  • Will it clash with other systems on my computer?

Here at Dolphin the software antivirus package we recommend to our customers is the one best suited to their individual needs.

Sourcing the best internet security software package based upon your budget and how you use your devices, you can rest assured that the security solution that we recommend will be the best product on the market to keep you safe online.

Whether you are a home user or a business, Dolphin will provide you with the best anti-virus solutions available in the UK.

Get in touch today to find out how Dolphin can keep you safe online