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Dolphin January 4, 2021 0 Comments

The impact of the Coronavirus outbreak is an ever-evolving situation and Dolphin Computers continue to keep abreast of developments and follow Government guidance. As IT technicians we are deemed key to keeping the country moving and therefore Dolphin is open and offering IT support to all of our clients.

To ensure both you as our valued customers and our own team are kept as safe as possible, all work will be undertaken via our remote support helpdesk where this is an option. Should your issue require us to come onsite we have stringent safety procedures in place. Part of this necessitates you answering our Customer Site Risk Assessment questionnaire; a member of our team will contact you via telephone prior to your onsite booking to ask these questions and will fill out the form on your behalf.

In addition, whilst we are in the latest lockdown, no Dolphin employee will be working in the same room as another person including another Dolphin employee. Whilst onsite we require our customers to be in a separate room and provide adequate ventilation in any enclosed space. If this is within your home, please ensure a window can be opened.

Our technicians are still able to travel and can pick up equipment from you to take back to our workshops to work on rather than work within your home.

Dolphin are aware that now more than ever you need your computers, internet and telephones working so you can keep in touch with friends, family, colleagues and work. We respectfully request that you help us to help you to keep safe whilst we keep your IT equipment running as you need it to.