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  • Cyber Security – Are you Secure? Are you sure?
Dolphin April 15, 2022 0 Comments

Is your business secure?

Are your employees secure?

Are your devices secure?

Are you sure?

Are you concerned?

A simple online search will show if you have Cyber Essentials Certification – this is something that anyone can find out, including prospective clients.

Take a moment, picture yourself at your desk, going through your phone contacts, having to call all your customers, all of your suppliers, all of your partners, to tell them your systems have been hacked and all of their details have been taken and are now freely available online for all to see.

This is not just the stuff of nightmares – this could be reality if you haven’t enabled cyber security procedures across every single device you and your employees use – yes, even those working from home. And definitely contractors and freelancers.

With the forced relocation of thousands of employees to working from home the need to share business critical information, on cloud services including Remote Desktop Protocols (RDP), Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and application suites like Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace also rose exponentially.

“Cybersecurity researchers have discovered hundreds of thousands of insecure severs, ports and cloud services being used by remote workers that could be easily exploited by cyber attackers.”

Has your security kept up?

The hackers have – they are acutely aware of the security holes business have created and are actively exploiting businesses who don’t have adequate safety procedures implemented.

If only keeping your IT secure was as simple as locking the office door at night.

“But I have Cyber Insurance.”

We are aware of businesses who have taken out Cyber Insurance policies and then when the worst has happened have found they won’t pay out because they didn’t have adequate security procedures in place.

Having Cyber Insurance doesn’t equate to having a secure business.

If your systems suffer a security breach and you aren’t cyber secure, you could risk being fined by the ICO up to 25k or 10% of your turnover whichever is higher. An as a ‘bonus’ your company could feature on the list of businesses fined, again readily available for all to view.

Weigh this up:

  • The ICO is capable of issuing companies with a fine equalling 4% of their annual turnover.
  • The lost revenue of the inevitable downtime.
  • The potential of losing all your data – absolutely everything.
  • The chance your insurance won’t pay out because you weren’t deemed secure enough.
  • The humiliation of telling your customers you were not covered in the first place.


  • Letting Dolphin help you get your business to achieve cyber essentials standards to ensure that you are compliant.

Taking your company’s cyber security seriously is as important as compliance with every other aspect of safely required for running a business. Dolphin can help you ensure that you are keeping your company as secure as possible.