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5 tips for buying a new computer
Dolphin December 24, 2021 0 Comments

Five Tips For Buying A New Home Computer

Whether it’s time to say a final farewell to your old computer or you are buying your very first new one, choosing the right computer can be a mind-boggling experience.

So how do you decide on the best new home computer for you?

Five Pointers For Buying a New Home Computer

What will you use it for? If you only want a computer to check the news and send a couple of emails, then things like memory and processing power won’t be too important. If you are looking at downloading music, streaming movies or playing games then you need a top of the range machine that will cope with all you throw at it.

Where will you use it? When PCs first started to become part of family life there would be one, large and noisy machine sat in a corner of the room – now we use computers everywhere we go. If you fancy sending emails from garden in the summer, then you need something that will connect to wireless where ever you are in your house – or garden.

Will your needs change in the near future? The world of technology is rapidly changing and updating – if your children or grandchildren may need to use your new computer, will the machine you thought you needed just for your basic use be enough? You don’t want to go for an entry level computer and then discover a few months down the line that it is not capable of all the things you need from it.

Will it be compatible with your current software/hardware? New computers don’t always support old software – you need to take this into consideration as if you also have to buy new versions of all of your programs it could be costly. The same goes with your hardware – will your new computer work with your printer for example.

Is it really such a great deal? “Buy cheap, buy twice” – there is usually a good reason why certain makes and models of computer are such a “good” deal – if it looks too good to be true, it most probably is. Make sure that it will be capable of updating to the latest Windows version for example; spending out just a little bit more for a higher performing machine could save you money in the long term.

Here at Dolphin we source new computers for our customers based upon their individual needs. By finding out exactly what our client’s need from their new computer we can provide the best solution on the market.