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Dolphin October 7, 2022 0 Comments

How To Immediately Improve Your Business’ Cyber Security

Last week we published our cyber security checklist, a guideline of the areas that your business needs to consider to become more secure. This was a list of 10 action points, but is there one point that is more important than all the others? Not really, but there is one area of cyber security that could have an immediate affect on how secure your company is.

DeltaNet International, the global compliance eLearning provider, has recently reported that online searches for ‘cybersecurity training for employees’ have risen 114% over the past four years.

Companies that take their cyber security seriously know that the weakest link remains us human beings.

Cyber Security Training For Employees

Here at Dolphin, we have helped companies pick up the pieces after a cyber breach; we have assisted others in securing Cyber Essential Certification; and we have provided bespoke cyber training for our clients.

Cyber security training must be a rolling endeavour – a training course that you ran for your staff 3 years ago will be out of date. No cyber criminal will hang around for 3 years, they are already on the next project.

Cyber security training does not guarantee that your business won’t suffer a breach – but it will go a long way to mitigate that event. This doesn’t just ensure that everyone within your company can recognise potential hacks and breaches, phishing awareness training, but it also educates all to know what to do about any given scenario.

Your businesses’ IT security is not the sole responsibility of cybersecurity professionals. Educating employees on cybersecurity should be refreshed regularly as part of an organisation’s compliance training program.

If you would like to learn more about cybersecurity training for your employees, please get in touch with the team at Dolphin. Email us