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remote computer support help
Dolphin March 4, 2020 0 Comments

If you work in a larger office you can probably pick up the phone and dial the IT department if you have an issue with your computer, printer, or any other technical issues. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you had the same luxury in your home?

Actually, you do…. Ok, there are some provisos here; you need both a working phone and an internet connection, but if both of these are in place then you have similar resources at your finger tips as those sat at their desks with an integral IT department.

IT support when working from home

Remote Support for Businesses and Home Users

Dolphin have been providing remote support to our business customers and our home users for almost 10 years now. Initially there was some reticence about the safety of using this way of resolving your computer worries, made worse by the plethora of scammers trying to con their way into your networks. Unfortunately, these scammers still abound and are constantly evolving to find new ways to dupe us, but for genuine IT companies like ourselves, providing remote computer support can benefit you enormously.

By solving your IT issues remotely, you don’t need to have anyone come and visit you, nor do you need to disconnect your computer, or pack up your laptop and lug it down to a workshop or shop to get it sorted. And it is cheaper than on onsite visit.

remote helpdesk for computer

What Can Remote Computer Support Help With?

Remote IT support can help with software issues, installing Skype and other programs, issues with Zoom, email headaches, some printer problems, system settings, and more.

Sadly, not everything can be resolved by remote help, but it’s always worth seeing if this is an option for you. As above, if you have a working phone line and internet, give us a call and we’ll see if we can help you whilst you sit at your laptop with a cuppa in hand.