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data recovery from a usb stick
Dolphin September 16, 2022 0 Comments

Do you enjoy a good horror story? You do? Then read on…..

You are in the lead role, and have been employed by a small company to manage their accounts for them. This is a simple task, having been involved with business accountancy work for several years, and you’re enjoying working for smaller companies. You have been putting in the hours over the past few weeks, but it’s ok because once you get these last bits done you know you have a couple of weeks break.

All your hard work needs to not only be saved, but also then handed over to your lovely clients. So you download it onto your trusty USB and shut down for the evening.

There are only a few final points that are needed, nothing that can’t be managed over your morning coffee – you fire up your laptop – you insert your USB with all of the saved financial information and documentation.

But. It. Is. Not. There.

It must be, right? You saved it! Not just yesterday, you were saving to the USB stick all along and every time you went through this procedure, all your work was there, clear as day.

But now it isn’t.

None of it.

Not one single piece of the hours upon hours of work that you have put in is there.

You need to report to the company this week.

You need to hand over all of the financial work you have done so that they can file online.

You are solely responsible for this.

You do not have the physical hours to redo all of this work…….


USBs are great, but they are not to be relied upon as the sole backup for data. If you do, this horror story could be applicable to you. Any data that is only stored on a USB is not securely stored and there is a risk that you could lose it.

In this instance, you could get in touch with us as data recovery specialists. We would assess your USB and see if we could retrieve the missing data. There is no guarantee we could, but we do have a pretty good success rate.

Moving forward, we could change this horror story into a boring, information documentary by ensuring that you, the main character, also backup up this invaluable data to a secure cloud platform; and as a business owner, have further backup procedures in place as a fail-safe.

If you haven’t got the safety net of backups installed and you find yourself in this particular horror story, get in touch with us to see if we can help you to save the day and give this story a happy ending.