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What should you include in a cybersecurity risk assessment
Dolphin April 21, 2023 0 Comments

The five main steps to creating a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for your business:

  • Review
  • Identify
  • Analyse
  • Evaluate
  • Record

A cybersecurity risk assessment is a process of identifying, assessing, and prioritising risks to an organisation’s information and information systems. It helps organisations understand their current security posture and identify areas where they can improve their security controls.

With nearly a third of businesses and a quarter of charities subjected to cyber attacks or breaches last year, the need to ensure you are as water-tight as possible has never been more urgent. Part of securing your organisation is to conduct a thorough risk assessment on your security procedures.

But where do you start? What should you include in a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment?

When creating a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment it should include the following:

  • Review: An overview of your business and operations. This includes information about your company mission, goals, and objectives, as well as your key assets and data.
  • Identify: An inventory of your information and information systems. This includes information about your hardware, software, networks, and data.
  • Analyse: An assessment of your current security controls. This includes information about your security policies, procedures, and technologies.
  • Evaluate: An assessment of your business risk environment. This includes information about the threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts that could affect you.
  • Record: A risk assessment report. This report should summarize the findings of the risk assessment and make recommendations for improving your security posture.

This cybersecurity risk assessment process should be conducted on a regular basis to ensure that your security posture is up-to-date and that your risk management controls are effective.

If you require help getting your organisation cybersecure, please get in touch with us.