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Dolphin October 21, 2022 0 Comments

When an employee leaves it can be on good terms, or bad. But either way, there are procedures that you need to follow to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. In terms of IT, the following

Dolphin September 23, 2022 0 Comments

All businesses require technology in some shape or form. Yet too many small businesses take their IT for granted: your computer will power up every morning, your emails will all get sent, your website will load, your

Dolphin July 22, 2022 0 Comments

You know that however much you dislike it, there are things you need to pay for to be able to have your IT systems working correctly and safely. You know you have to have anti-virus. You know

Dolphin April 15, 2022 0 Comments

Is your business secure? Are your employees secure? Are your devices secure? Are you sure? Are you concerned? A simple online search will show if you have Cyber Essentials Certification – this is something that anyone can

Dolphin March 18, 2022 0 Comments

Is your business thinking about cyber security? Running a business involves addressing a lot of different aspects for a lot of your time – even if you are not physically the chief cook and bottle washer, you

Dolphin October 22, 2021 0 Comments

My business has been hacked - who do I call? This month (October 2021) TechRadar shared a report highlighting the fact that 64% of high-level executives were unsure of who to turn to in the event of

Dolphin October 15, 2021 0 Comments

Don’t Gamble With Your Businesses’ Security The 2021 COVID & Cybersecurity Study carried out by the company SecureAge has revealed that almost half of UK businesses experienced a cyber breach during the pandemic. It is not a

Dolphin October 1, 2021 0 Comments

October? Already? As we herald the falling of the leaves, the darkening of the nights, and the looming spectacle or pumpkin mania, we also enter Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021. This year's Cyber Security 'Theme' is 'Do Your

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