Dolphin June 10, 2022 0 Comments

In June 1986, the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center opened, often touted to be the precursor to Internet. 36 years after the newsworthy event of five super computer centers being linked together to form the first computer network, we

10 Common IT Security Terms Whilst we are aware of the need to stay safe online, we may not know what all of the security terms are when IT support companies talk about computer security. With that

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recently published new guidance clarifying the law on domestic CCTV use in and around people’s homes. You may feel this doesn’t apply to you if you haven’t installed CCTV at your

When did you last check your backup? Just as you get your car checked out annually, so it is a good idea to run checks on your backups regularly - are you sure that your backup is

World Password Day 2022 The debate within the IT industry continues to rumble on about the validity of passwords but for the foreseeable future they are here to stay - and you need them to be strong

Dolphin April 24, 2022 0 Comments

Over the years that we have been sharing our IT advice with you, one of our recurring themes has been to remind you of the importance of having adequate backup procedures in place. Those of us who

Dolphin April 15, 2022 0 Comments

Is your business secure? Are your employees secure? Are your devices secure? Are you sure? Are you concerned? A simple online search will show if you have Cyber Essentials Certification – this is something that anyone can

Dolphin April 8, 2022 0 Comments

There are certain tell-tale sings that your devices have been hacked. By no means a comprehensive list, the video below gives you an idea of signs to be aware of. And the faster you realise that you've

Dolphin April 1, 2022 0 Comments

'Prevention is better than cure' is a phrase that has been around far longer than computers but is particularly pertinent when it comes to backing up your data. World Backup Day is an annual reminder to be

Dolphin March 18, 2022 0 Comments

Is your business thinking about cyber security? Running a business involves addressing a lot of different aspects for a lot of your time – even if you are not physically the chief cook and bottle washer, you