How Do I Check If My Email Has Been Shared Online? Another day, another data breach…. It gets tiresome hearing this doesn’t it? This spring we heard that Facebook had a security breach; Facebook said, “it’s fine

Dolphin January 4, 2021 0 Comments

The impact of the Coronavirus outbreak is an ever-evolving situation and Dolphin Computers continue to keep abreast of developments and follow Government guidance. As IT technicians we are deemed key to keeping the country moving and therefore

Dolphin December 4, 2020 0 Comments

Covid 19 has been with us for more than a year now and whilst we are doing all we can to eradicate its threat we are still being advised to work from home when we can. As

"If you can have free internet security, why bother paying for it?" This is something that we hear on a regular basis – and on the surface a reasonable question. If there is a good choice of

Dolphin March 4, 2020 0 Comments

If you work in a larger office you can probably pick up the phone and dial the IT department if you have an issue with your computer, printer, or any other technical issues. Wouldn’t it be lovely

Dolphin February 4, 2019 0 Comments

One of the worst things about our line of work is letting people know that they have lost everything on their computer, laptop, tablet or phone. And yet, surprisingly few people bother with backing their data up.